
自费攻读硕士研究生的成本收益分析——基于北京地区部分高校的实证研究 被引量:10

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Commoner for a Master Degree——An Empirical Study Based on Some Universities in Beijing
摘要 人力资本理论认为,教育不仅仅是耐用消费品,更是最重要的人力资本投资方式。理性人根据教育投资的净收益值以及收益率的高低作出个人的教育投资决策。研究表明,自费读研是一项高回报的投资。同时,学科、性别以及就业地区的选择等因素都将影响个人收益率和净收益值。在研究生教育政策方面,国家应加大调控、引导毕业生就业去向的力度,鼓励研究生到西部地区工作;重视基础学科,大力发展应用学科;规范研究生教育收费制度;逐步完善研究生奖、贷、助学金制度。 FAucation is more likely an important human investment approach than the consumer durables. A rational man always makes his investment on the private rate of return. A candidate applying for a master degree at his own expense can achieve high private rate of return, which will be different while evaluating the influential factors such as major, gender, and the workplace region etc.. The government and education authorities should build up some positive policies and make every effort in enhancing the postgraduate's employment, such as encouraging them to work in the western region, leveraging the construction of basic disciplines and allied disciplines, standardizing the tuition fees system of postgraduate education, and gradually perfecting the system of scholarship, students loans and grants.
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期147-154,共8页 Journal of Renmin University of China
关键词 人力资本投资 个人收益率 自费读研 investment in human capital private rate of return payment for postgraduate study
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