
Solid-phase Crystallization of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon on Glass Substrates 被引量:2

Solid-phase Crystallization of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon on Glass Substrates
摘要 Amorphous silicon films prepared by PECVD on glass substrate have been crystallized by conventional furnace annealing and rapid thermal annealing(RTA), respectively. From the Raman spectra, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope, it is found that the grain size is crystallized at 850℃ in both techniques. The thin film made by RTA is smooth and of perfect structure, the thin film annealed by FA has a highly structural disorder. An average grain size of about 30nm is obtained by both techniques. Amorphous silicon films prepared by PECVD on glass substrate have been crystallized by conventional furnace annealing and rapid thermal annealing(RTA), respectively. From the Raman spectra, X- ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope, it is found that the grain size is crystallized at 850 ℃ in both techniques. The thin film made by RTA is smooth and of perfect structure, the thin film annealed by FA has a highly structural disorder. An average grain size of about 30 nm is obtained by both techniques.
出处 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2006年第1期15-17,29,共4页 半导体光子学与技术(英文版)
关键词 PECVD A-Si: H film Furnace annealing Rapid thermal annealing Grain size 半导体技术 材料 PECVD 硅薄膜
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