AIM: In order to monitor and evaluate the sleep, transition state and research on course of sleep, basic mechanisms of insomnia and effective measure to relieve insomnia under the natural sleep. METHODS: The new research method which syncretize cognitive science, biology cybernetics and information theory, utilize the theory and method of insomnia controlling of cognitive ethology as well as the new harvest of modern micro-electronic technique and computer technique were objective and quantificational without interference. This method was more close to the natural sleep mode of human being and it interrupted the actives which lose control of thought with a small wrist-watch Like embedded computer which was based on VxWorks real time operation system and ARM processor. RESULTS: The small size and free connection of wrist-watch like embedded computer ensured that the computer-brain interface had no interference to transition. With the non-restriction and micro-action detection technique based on the embedded computer, the subject's reaction was expressed by bending the finger slightly in any direction, and the truths of signals from sensor were determined by real-time processing and pattern recognizing. So the detection technique ensured that computerbrain ,interface did not wake up subject.
CONCLUSION: The computer-brain interface can make people fall asleep quickly and do not wake up or interfere with subject.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation