
盲蝽科一新属及二新种记述(半翅目:盲蝽科) 被引量:4

摘要 盲蝽科一新属及二新种记述(半翅目:盲蝽科)齐宝瑛,能乃扎布(内蒙古师范大学生物系呼和浩特010022)在鉴定由阿拉善盟森防站提供的一批采自贺兰山西坡以及作者几年来采集的盲峙科昆虫标本时,发现一新属以及分别隶属于该新属和另外一属的两个新种,现将新属及新... Monochroica gen. nov., a new genus belonging to group Phylus of PhylinaePhylini of Hemiptera-Heteroptera is here erected, based on a new species -M.alashanensis Qi et Nonnaizab, sp. nov.. Meanwhile, genus Dichooscytus Fieber is not ed with a decription of a new species -D. helanensis Qi et Nonnaizab, sp. nov.. The measurements in the description are in millimeters. All the type specimens are deposited in Collection of Department of Biology, Inner Mongolia Teachers' University.Monochroica Qi et Nonnaizab, gen. nov.Type species: Monochroica alashanensis Qi et Nonnaizab, sp. nov.Elongate ovate, median sized, slightly shining, with a habitus of Tinicephalus Megalocoleus type. Both sex basically belong to one type.Head inclinate, smooth, without punctation, with lightly colored adpressed pubescence. Vertex roundly convex, frontoclypeal regin tumid and broadly rounded in the front aspect, junction between front and clypeus slightly concave on lateral aspect, the clypeus vertically inclinate. Eye height about 2/3 of head on front aspect.Antennal fossa at inner side of eye lower apex, almost touching eye margin, its lower margin above that of the eye, eye inner margin concave opposite antennal fossa. Posterior border of head ecarinate. Antenna slender, segment Ⅱ slender in all length,slightly thicker in female than in male, antennal pubescence light-colored, dense, short and deform. Rostrum segment I slightly surpasses posteric-lower margin of head,apex of segment ill attaining mesocoxa.Pronotum trapezoidal, moderately declivent, not punctate, with lightly coloredadpressed pubescence, withollt collar, calli slightly swollen, anterior, lateral and posterior margins nearly straight' Scutellum not punctate, with lightly colored adpressed longer pubescence at base, posterior margin of mesonotum exposed. Hemelytra narrowly elongate ovate, uniformly colored, not punctate, with light-colored adpressed short pubescence. Anterior part of costa slightly arched externally, the rest straight,parallel with commissural margin of clavus. Cuneus slightly inclinate lateral-posterioly, with adpressed dark pubescence, external margin slightly arched laterally, internal margin slightly sinuate. Membrane almost transparent, large cell inclined triangular with two equall edges, narrower, smaller cell triangular. Legs uniformly colored, spines of tibia dark, without dark spots at its base, tarsus segment Ⅲ of hind leg longer than segment Ⅱ, base of claw slightly robust, pseudarolia visible, with apex liberate, reaching only to coddle of the claw.Left paramere similar to that of Plagiognathus type, but sensory lobe robust and short, right paramere leaf-shaped with a bent angle-like apex (figs.4, 5, 6, 7 ). Vesica with 2 spicula, one of which thicker, long and bending, the other very slender,shorter and slightly bending apically; secondary genital opening large, situates on conjunctival lobe on dorsal base of the longer spicula (fig.8). A member of group Phylus of Phylinae-Phylini. Allied to Tinicephalus Fieber and Megalocoleus Reuter by head, body form, claw, pseudaxolia, vesica, paramere type etc.; but Tinicephalus with rostrum apex surpassing metacoxa, upper of head with dark colored patterns, tarsus segment Ⅲ of hind leg shorter than segment Ⅱ; and Megalocoleus differing in having rostrum apex reaching to or surpassing metacoxa,tarsus segment Ⅲ of hind leg shorter than segment Ⅱ, vesica with only I spicula,etc.. This new genus will be keyed to the genus Eurycolpus Reuter using Carvalho'skey (1955), but the latter differs by pronotum with internally sinuate lateral margin and backwardly convex posterior margin, claw of hind leg extremely slender and long, vesica with only I fine spicula, etc' From paramere and aedeagus, the new genus is also similar to genus Plagiognathus Fieber, but the latter distinguished by femora with dark patterns, at least apical part of it with dark spots, tibial spines with distinct dark spots at base, tibia sometimes dark partly, tarsus segment Ⅲ of hind leg shorter than segment Ⅱ.Monochroica alasha
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第3期298-305,共8页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 内蒙古自然科学基金 青年科学基金
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