he Athymoris Meyrick was a monotypical genus of Torodorinae and Known to be distributed in China and Japan. The coincident M2+3 and stalked CU1+2approximated each other or connate in forewing; vein M, approximated to M3 in hindWing. The Athymoris is distinctly separate from the Cubitomoris Gozmany in the stalked Cu1 and Cu2 of forewing.In addition to identification of the type-species, 2 new species are discribed in this paper. A total of species in this genus amounts up to 3. Keys to 3 species respectively by external characters and male genitalia are given in the Chinese text.All specimens, including the types of new species are kept in the institute of Zoology, Acadenda Sinica.Athymwhparamecde sp. nov.Wing expanse 19mm. Antennae dark brown. Head and thorax dark brown.Forewing brown, with a red-copper lustre; pattern dark brown: an inner transverse line tinged with a few white scales toward outer, discocellular spot enclosed with white,an outer transverse line composed of disconnected white scales; cilia yellowish brown,with 4- 5 deep brown dots. Hindwing brownish. Male genitalia: Valva broad, evenly and only slightly tapering to a rounded apex; juxta plate-shaped, caudal processes widely arm-shaped; aedoeagus as long as valva, as wide as 1/2 valva-width, no cornuti.Holotype ♂: Tianchi Lake, Hainan Province, April 10, 1980.This new species differs from A. martialal Meyrick by the shape of the valva and aedeagUs without cornuti.Athymoris nectarus sp. nov.Wing expanse 16 - 17mm. Antennae whitish yellow. Head. greyish white. Thoraxpurplish. Forewing greyish brown; hasal 2 / 5 purplish, tinged with a white line toward oilier; discocellular spot small, purplish brown; an outer transverse line white.Hindwing greyish brown' Female genitalia: Eighth sternite forming two squarelobes above; forum short and wide; ductus bursae long, simple; bursa copulatrix large; signum with a transverse groove in middle and peripheral spines.Holotype ♂ : Jiangiin County, Sichuan Province, July 27, 1981, Liu Youqiao.Paratype 1 ♂: ibid..This new species differs from the other 2 species by the forewing with a hasalblotch.
Acta Entomologica Sinica