
非结构网格上Euler方程的区域分裂算法及并行计算 被引量:2

Domain decompositions and parallel algorithms to solve Euler equations on the unstructured grid
摘要 改进了“波阵面”区域分裂算法,并应用于流场区域的划分;对于子区域边界的不光滑现象,为尽量减少通讯消耗,提出了一种边界并行优化策略。利用PVM并行环境,探讨了非结构网格上求解Euler方程的分区并行算法。根据改进的区域分裂算法及优化策略,运用Jameson有限体积法,对二维翼型流场进行了分区并行求解,多区计算的结果与单区计算的结果作了比较,表明了本文研究方法的有效性。 Wave-front domain splitting algorithm is improved, and then applied to the domain decompositions of the flow field. A new optimization strategy of subdomain boundary is subsequently presented in order to improve the smoothness of boundaries and save the mutual overheads among processors. According to the improved algorithm and the optimization method, parallel algorithms to solve the Euler equations are studied on the unstructured grids. The domain decomposition and parallel solver with Jameson finite volume scheme are applied to the flow over airfoils. Comparison between the multidomains and single domain demonstrates the high effectiveness of the algorithms.
出处 《空气动力学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期102-108,119,共8页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
关键词 区域分裂算法 非结构网格 EULER方程 有限体积法 并行计算 domain splitting algorithm unstructured grid Euler equations finite volume scheme parallel calculations
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