
围压和固结应力比对砂卵石土动力特性的影响 被引量:2

Influence of confined pressure and consolidation stress ration on the dynamic characteristics of sandy pebble soil
摘要 通过砂卵石土室内动三轴试验,对砂卵石土的动力特性进行了较为深入地研究。得到了在不同围压、不同固结下砂卵石土的动强度和动模量的变化规律。试验结果表明,围压对动强度和动模量都有明显的影响,在不同的固结应力比条件下动强度及动模量变化也较大。 Through laboratory tests on sandy pebble soil by using the dynamic triaxial test, studies of different degree saturated sandy pebble soil has been done. It is discovered that the regulation of the dynamic strength and modulus of sandy pebble soil under different confined pressure and consolidation stress ration. The result shows that confined pressure obviously effect the dynamic strength and modulus, it is also big that the change of dynamic modulus and dynamic damping ratio under different consolidation stress ration.
出处 《山西建筑》 2006年第7期11-12,共2页 Shanxi Architecture
关键词 砂卵石土 动强度 动模量 randy pebble soil, dynamic strength, dynamic modulus
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