OGC Web服务规范已在越来越多的GIS软件中得以实施.如何在单个应用程序中集成多个服务器上的空间Web服务是文中要解决的核心问题.首先阐述了为什么要开发空间信息服务集成共享平台,然后对OGC Web服务及开发所用的主要技术分别作了介绍;提出了空间信息服务集成共享平台的体系结构和相应的功能设计,并利用Servlets、JSP、JavaScript等技术对其进行了初步实现.
OGC Web Service specifications is realizing in more and more GIS software. This paper focuses on how to integrate several servers' spatial web Services in a single program. The paper first discusses the reason why to establish the SWS integrating and sharing platform, then introduces main technologies of implementing the SWS sharing platform, java technologies are widely used in web application development. In this paper some approaches (such as Servlets, JSP, JavaScript) to develop Java-based web applications of the SWS integrating and sharing platform are described.
Journal of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology