
Associated Productions of HZZ and HHZ at Linear Colliders in Large Extra Dimension Model

Associated Productions of HZZ and HHZ at Linear Colliders in Large Extra Dimension Model
摘要 在这篇论文,我们在两 unpolarizedand 在线性 colliders 在二过程 e~+e~- → H~0Z~0Z~0 和 e~+e~- → H~0H~0Z~0 上调查大额外的尺寸的效果极化的碰撞模式。我们发现虚拟 Kaluza-Klein graviton 交换罐头显著地为这二个过程从他们的标准模型期望提高生气的节。过程e~+e~-→ H~0Z~0Z~0 上的带的效果在有效规模女士上给予观察限制到的结果表演在 theunpolarized 和+-被探查直到 9.75 TeV 和 10.1 TeV (λ_e+= 1/2 ,λ_e-=-1/2)极化了横梁碰撞模式(与P_e+= 0.6 , P_e-= 0.8 )分别地。为过程 e~+e~- → H~0H~0Z~0,女士上的这些限制能在 unpolarized 在 to6.06 TeV 和 6.38 TeV 上面被探查并且极化碰撞模式独立。我们发现λ _e+= 1/2,在两过程 e~+e~- → H~0Z~0Z~0 的λ _e-=-1/2 极化碰撞模式和 e~+e~- → H~0H~0Z~0 可以提供可能性在探查带的效果改进敏感。 In this paper we investigate the effects of the large extra dimensions on the two processes e+ e-→+ H^0 Z^0 Z^0 and e^+e^-→ H^0H^0 Z^0 at linear colliders in both unpolarized and polarized collision modes. We find that the virtual Kaluza-Klein graviton exchange can significantly enhance the cross section from their standard model expectations for these two processes. The results show that the LED effect on the process e+ e-→+ H^0 Z^0 Z^0 allows the observation limits on the effective scale Ms to be probed up to 9. 75 TeV and 10.1 TeV in the unpolarized and +-(λe+ =1/2, λe-= -1/2) polarized beam collision modes (with Pe+ = 0.6, Pe-=0.8), respectively. For the process e+ e-→+ H^0 H^0 Z^0, these limits on Ms can be probed up to 6.06 TeV and 6.38 TeV in the unpolarized and polarized collision modes separately. We find that the λe+ = 1/2, λe-= -1/2 polarization collision mode in both processe+ e-→+ H^0 Z^0 Z^0 and e+ e-→+ H^0 H^0 Z^0 may provide a possibility to improve the sensitivity in probing the LED effects.
出处 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期437-446,共10页 理论物理通讯(英文版)
基金 The project supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Special Fund of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
关键词 联合产量 线性碰撞 希格斯介子 玻色子 large extra dimensions, linear collider, Higgs boson, gauge boson
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