
中国钢琴音乐的开拓者、奠基者——丁善德 被引量:3

Ding Shande,the Pioneer and Founder of Chinese Piano Music
摘要 从上个世纪的60年代起,在文化部、中国音协、《中国大百科全书·音乐舞蹈卷》。以及当时中央、上海两音乐学院的各种工作中,我跟丁先生有过很多工作上的联系。他为人非常谦逊朴实,对工作非常热情坦诚。丁先生当时担任上音的常务副院长。实际主持上音的日常工作。他不仅得到上音各级干部和中央院各级干部的拥护。也得到贺院长、吕骥同志等前辈的尊重。同时,他也是国内久负盛名的作曲家、音乐教育家、音乐活动家及演奏家。他为上海音乐学院的建设以及新中国音乐事业发展做出了非常大的贡献。 Ding Shande was one the most outstanding and most representative composers in China. Although he started his music career in his early years in Pipa and piano playing,he turned to composition in 1940' s and had been working on music composition since then until he passed away on December 8,1995. like Ma Sicong,he changed his music career only for the reason of changing the situation where only foreign piano works were being playing in China and where Chinese composers had been weak for long time in creating instrumental music. One of the characteristics of Ding' s piano works is the close link between piano composition and teaching practice. His piano works were not only composed for performance purpose,but in the first place among the fine repertoire for piano teachings. He composed piano works in the capacity of a music educator. In his opinion,the priority was to raise the level of piano teaching in China. In comparison with his piano composition in his early years,a series of changes occurred in his piano works composed in his later years: harmony language and piano texture writing were largely enriched, composition concepts of his works changed from those programme music inclined to directly reflect on the life of his time to the non-programme music with more inherent features,and the choices of modes of expression were diversified, particularly with more profound implications and deeper philosophical thinkings in his works. All these changes indicated that,with the progress of the times, the changes of circumstances as well as the growing ages of the composer and the widened horizon of his aesthetic attainments, his own styles had been developed to 'catch up with the times' .
作者 汪毓和
出处 《人民音乐(评论)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期4-7,共4页 Peoples Music
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