

Research a Novel Sliding-mode Speed Observer Used for Induction Motors
摘要 提出了一种新颖的用于异步电机控制的滑模速度观测器。该观测器具有结构简单、新颖、易于实现的特点,在无速度传感器的电机控制系统中,能有效地消除运用滑模观测器所固有的高频速度抖动现象。该观测器利用电压和电流信号构成观测器估计电机转速、转子磁通量以及转子磁通的位置,其理论的正确性可由李雅普诺夫理论证明。将其应用于采用磁场定向矢量控制方法的无速度传感器的感应电机控制系统,实验证明,在整个调速范围内都取得了很好的效果,系统具有很好的稳态精度和动态响应性能。 A new sliding-mode speed observer for the speed-sensorless vector control of induction motor is proposed. The proposed algorithm is very simple and easy to implement. Also, the observer reduces the ripple of the motor speed in high frequency range in an efficient way. The ohserver estimated the flux currents, and motor speed from the terminal voltage and current. The convergence of the proposed observer is examined using the lyapunov theory. Experimental results are presented to show the performance of the proposed observer for the field-oriented vector control of an induction motor drive system.
出处 《电机与控制应用》 北大核心 2006年第3期21-25,共5页 Electric machines & control application
关键词 异步电机 滑模速度观测器 矢量控制 无速度传感器 induction motor sliding-mode speed observer vector control sensorless
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