Based on the cellular automata finite deep potential trough model and the Lennard-Jones (12-6) potential, the paper analyses the form and distribution of the potential energy and energy of the molecule group in the model in terms of the deduce of the quantum mechanics. Simultaneously, the paper further illustrates the microscopic and macroscopic characteristics of the molecule group, namely, the cut off radius coefficient μ which has the microscopic quality and the equilibrium radius coefficient τ which has the macroscopic quality, and discusses the influences of the changes of μ and ton the potential energy and energy of the model. Furthermore the paper presents the Lennard-Jones ( 10- 6) potential function, which is periodic distribution and exhibits a "bucket" in a single potential trough. What's more, the paper deduces the formula related to the energy of the molecule group and obtains the possible distribution and some rules of the energy via analyzing the changes of the potential energy, that is, the energy of the molecule group exhibits the structure of the continuous (when the potential energy equals to zero) and discontinuous (when the potential energy equals to nonzero) energy belt and the interval of the neighboring energy is gradually enlarged in a single potential trough on the whole,
Progress in Geophysics