目的:观察产前不同疗程糖皮质激素引起的后代仔鼠生长发育和空间学习能力的改变,探讨多疗程激素对后代脑发育的影响。方法:孕鼠于怀孕第18 d开始每天肌注地塞米松0.48 mg/kg.次,4h1次,4次为一疗程,连用3 d;单疗程与对照组以同等容积生理盐水代替。取后代仔鼠分别于生后第1、第3、第42天测量体重、大脑重量、脑组织含水量与单疗程及对照组比较,并运用Y-型电迷宫测试42 d仔鼠空间学习能力。结果:在产前应用多疗程的糖皮质激素后,仔鼠的生长发育滞后于对照组,空间学习能力下降。结论:孕期过量的糖皮质激素对后代的发育有影响。
Objective: To investigate effect of antenatal glucocorticoid on the development and spatial leaning of rats. Methods : Pregnant rats were given intramuscular dexamethasone(0.48 mg/kg·dose) after 18 days' gestation, q .4h , a course contains four doses, for three days. A single course group and control group received equivalent volume of sterile saline. After neonatal rat were delivery, the body weight,brain weight, the water content of brain tissue were measured at the first day of birth and followed on 3th and 42th day, and the spatial learning of neonatal rat were measured by Y-type maze test. Results: Compared with control group, the development of brain and body of multiple courses group lagged , and the ability of spatial learning decreased. Conclusion: From this animal study, there is a growing evidence that repeat GC exposure in antenatal can have life-long effects on the developmeng of neonatal rats.
Henan Medical Research