
几种芳香族化合物的结构对其降解性能的影响 被引量:1

The Effect of Several Aromatic Compounds Structure on Biodegradability
摘要 本实验以瓦呼仪作为测试手段,分析了苯酚、苯甲酸、苯、甲苯、苯胺等五种芳香族化合物在其驯化后的活性污泥中的可降解性.用计算出的12h有机物氧化率表征有机物的可生化性的难易程度.苯酚、苯甲酸、甲苯、苯在40 mg/L时的氧化率达到最大值,分别为93.71%、64.67%、 39.24%、9.15%.苯胺仅在20 mg/L时可降解,氧化率达到29.22%.几种化合物的降解动力学经线性回归符合一级反应动力学方程.反应速率常数关系为:k 苯酚>k苯甲酸>k甲苯>k苯>k苯胺.据此推断出几种化合物的可降解性从易到难的顺序为:苯酚>苯甲酸>甲苯>苯>苯胺. In this study, the biodegradability of five aromatic compounds (phenol,benzoic acid,benzene, toluene and aniline) was conducted in the acclimated sludge by measuring oxygen consumption with Warburg respirometer. The biodegradability parameter was expressed with bio-oxidation ratio in twelve hours. The oxidation ratio of phenol, benzoic acid, toluene and benzene at 40 mg/L was up to the maximum and was 93.71%, 64.67%, 39.24%, 9.15%, respectively. But aniline was able to be degraded only at 20 mg/L and its oxidation ratio was 29.22%. The biodegradation of the five aromatic compounds accorded with first-order kinetics through regression analysis. The relationship of the rate constant was as follows: kphenol 〉kbenzoic acid 〉ktoluene〉kbenzene 〉kaniline.
出处 《襄樊学院学报》 2006年第2期48-52,共5页 Journal of Xiangfan University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40102027)
关键词 芳香族化舍物 可降解性 降解动力学 Aromatic compounds Biodegradability Biodegradation kinetics
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