对襄樊学院2003、2004年级学生实施《学生体质健康标准》测评,结果显示:学院学生体质的总体水平处于合格水平,身体形态指数中,正常体重等级的比例全院为38.07%,男生的比例比女生更低;身体机能和身体素质指数中不及格比例较高,特别是反映下肢肌肉爆发力的立定跳远成绩不及格率达到34.6%;2003级学生两个学年度各项成绩的u检验比较,除身高和立定跳远外, 其他各项成绩均有非常显著的提高.其原因:学生体质整体水平不高与饮食结构不合理和缺乏体育锻炼有关.
This paper makes a survey of implementing the Standards of Student's Fitness among the students of Grade 2003 and 2004 in Xiangfan University. The result shows that the general level of students' fitness is in the qualification; for the shape index, the proportion of the grade of normal weight is 38. 07%, and the boy students' proportion is lower than that of the girl student; for body function and physique index, the proportion which fails to the standards is relatively high, especially the failing rate of standing long jump score is up to 34. 6%, which reflects the explosive force of low limbs muscle. U examination on the scores of every item of the students of Grade 2003 and 2004 over 2 school years shows that every item has very remarkable improvement (P〈0.01) except height and standing long jump(P〉0.05). Owing to the unreasonable diet structure and a lack of proper physical training, the general level of students' physique isn't high.
Journal of Xiangfan University
Xiangfan University
Institute of student's physique
The standards of fitness