文章对水样化学需氧量(COD)测定方法中的密闭催化消解-分光光度法和回流消解-滴定法进行了比较。与回流消解-滴定法相比,分光光度法测定标准水样COD结果稍为偏高,但对于废水样品,2种方法的测定结果呈良好线性相关(b=1.024, R^2=O.990),整体上没有显著性差异。密闭催化消解-分光光度法有快速、节能、环保等优点,值得在环境监测工作中推广应用。
The methods of spectrophotometry and titration have been compared for the determination of COD in water samples. For standard water samples, the results obtained with the closed digestion-spectrophotometry were higher than those obtained with titration. However, for wastewater samples, the results of COD obtained with the two methods were linear with each other (b=1.024, R^20.990), the differences between the results were not evident. The results show that the precision and accuracy of COD obtained with spectrophotometry are fine. The method of spectrophotometry has the advantages of speed-measurement,safety and economization,and should be applied popularly.
Guangzhou Environmental Science