在一般环境温度下,二噁英在土壤中长期稳定存在。目前,受二噁英污染土壤的修复技术可分为微生物修复技术和物理化学修复技术。微生物修复技术和各种物理化学修复技术各有优缺点。文章具体介绍了受二噁英污染土壤的前处理-萃取, 阐述了国外2个溶剂萃取及亚临界水萃取(SCWE)实验的装置与效果;以及国外2种处理技术-γ辐射技术(γ-radiolysis)和"区域燃烧"(zone combustion)修复技术,并阐述了γ辐射技术的效果与优缺点,以及"区域燃烧"修复技术的装置与过程。最后,提出受二噁英污染土壤的修复研究中存在的一些问题。
As persistent organic pollutants, Dioxins can remain stable in soils for a long time. Techniques for the remediation of dioxin-contaminated soils can be categorized into bioremediation and physical-chemical remediation. Bioremediation maintains the characteristics of soils, while the physical and chemical remediation techniques destroy the basic features of Soils to different extents. There are many physical and chemical remediation techniques,which have their own advantages and disadvantages. The techniques of solvent extraction, sub-critical water extraction, γ-radiolysis and zone combustion for dioxin-contaminated soils remediation, and the problems in practice were discussed.
Guangzhou Environmental Science