4Nicholas Kaldor, Welfare Propositions of Economics and Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility, The Economic Journal, Vol.49, No. 195(Sep., 1939), pp. 549-552.
5Christopher stone, Should Trees Have Standing? and other essays on law, morals and the environment, Oceana publications.1996, p32.
6Dale Whittington, Duncan MacRae Jr.,“The issue of standing in cost- benefit analysis”, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, New York: Summer 1986. Vol. 5, Iss. 4, p. 666
8D. W. Pearce, Cost - benefit Analysis, The Pitman Press, 1983,p. 38.
9U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement On Uranium Milling, NUREG-0706, Vol. 1-3(1980).