

Watermarking Algorithm of Color Digital Image Based on Spread Spectrum Technique
摘要 文中给出了一种采用m伪随机序列进行扩频加密的数字图像离散小波变换域水印算法。这是一种适用于彩色印刷的数字水印算法,它将CIE-RGB色彩模式下的彩色图像转换到CIE-LAB色彩模式,然后将一幅二值图像水印经过伪随机序列扩频加密后,根据人眼的视觉效果适度地嵌入到宿主图像L分量的中高频小波系数中。最后,对该算法进行了高斯滤波、加噪、剪切和旋转等攻击检测,实验结果表明这是一种具有很好的隐藏性和较强鲁棒性的数字水印算法。 In connection with color images, this paper comes up with an algorithm which is applicable to color print. Firsdy,a color host image is transformed from CIE-RGB to CIE-LAB.Secondly after a binary image watermark is modulated by an m pseudorandom sequence, it is moderately embedded to the middle third of DWT coefficients of L according to visual effect. At last, in order to test the robustness of the watermark algorithm,kinds of attacking tests such as Gaussian filtering, adding noises, cutting and rotating are also did in the paper. It is proved to be a algorithm with good hiding and robusmess by experiment.
出处 《中国仪器仪表》 2006年第3期56-58,共3页 China Instrumentation
关键词 数字水印 m伪随机序列 小波变换 CIE-LAB Digital watermark M Pseudorandom sequence DWT CIE-LAB
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