
智力开发的基本理念与实践 被引量:2

Advance in the Ideas and Practices of the Developing of Intelligence
摘要 以高度分化的g因素研究为理论基础,智力开发活动形成了神经潜能开发、心理管理与反省经验开发、专家技能开发、多元智力开发、社会分布式认知开发、知识表征重组开发、环境重组开发等智力要素开发理念以及一些代表性的实践。随着对智力结构的整合研究的出现和不断深入,智力开发理念和模式将由分化的要素开发向整合开发转变,以智力与其他心理结构、智力与内部世界和外部世界系统关系为基础的智力开发将是理论和实践研究的重点内容。 On the basis of the high differentiating research of G, there have been some developing ideas and practical models of intelligence (DI), which are as the following: the developing of neural capacity, the developing of reflection and mental management, the developing of expert's skills, the developing of multiple intelligence, the developing of social distributed cognition, the reorganization of knowledge and environment. With the development of integrating research on intelligence ,the ideas and practices of the DI will transform from the developing of intelligence factors to the developing of the whole intelligence system. It will be the important content of the theoretical and practical research that Dis are based on the relations both between intelligence and other mental structures and between the inner and outer world.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期235-240,共6页 Advances in Psychological Science
关键词 g因素 智力开发 智力结构 要素开发 结构开发 g factor, the developing of intelligence, intelligence structure, the developing of intelligence factors,the developing of intelligence structure.
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