
质性比较专家与新手的物理学知识结构 被引量:1

A Qualitative Analysis of Knowledge Structure in Physics between Experts and Novices
摘要 通过质性比较方法,本实验刻画了专家与新手在物理学欧姆定律上的知识差异,并发现,与新手相比,专家的知识结构有如下特点:(1)精致化,即拥有更多公式且生成了新公式,表示他们在知识之间形成了更多联系;(2)限制化,即添加更多恒定条件于知识中,从而产生更为明确的行动。此外,本实验在方法学上为细致描述和解释专长的实质提供了可能。 The experiment describes the qualitative differences of knowledge structure between experts and novices in terms of Ohm' s Law in physics. Compared with the novice, the expert's knowledge structure is, firstly, elaborated, with more generated formulas, which indicates more links between concepts, and is, secondly, constrained, which with more invariable conditions added, results in more definite actions, Besides, the experiment makes the method of depicting and explaining the nature of expertise clearer in some domains.
作者 胡谊 吴庆麟
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期278-282,共5页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部教育科学"十五"规划项目(批准号:DBA010176)
关键词 专长 知识结构 陈述性知识 程序性知识 物理学 expertise, knowledge structure, declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge
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