A stable mutant Y3 blocked in the thienamycin biosynthetic pathway was obtained from thienamycin producing strain S.cattleya by 1.5mg/ml NTG treatment at pH 9.0,37℃for 30min. The intermediate accumulated by Y3 was identified as a bipeptide consisting of glutamic acid and alanine by means of paper chromatography and amino acid composition analysis.We presume that this bipeptide may serve as precursor of the bicyclic ring system of thienamycin and alanine is another possible precursor of thienamycin. Protoplast formation rate was up to 90%when Y3 mycelitum was treated by 2.0mg/ml lysozyme at 37℃ for 90min and protoplast regeneration rate was 8.0%in SGGP medium containing 10.3%sucrose,The transformation rate was increased about 10 times using Koch-Light PEG1000 as mediater and by treating protoplast at 40℃ for 10min before transformation.Therefore,we set up the thienamycin cyclase gene cloning system from S.cattleya using Y3 block mutant as a host.
Chinese Journal of Antibiotics