Hiroshi Niki等讨论在预条件PS=I+S下加速Gauss-Seidel迭代法的收敛性,本文讨论在预条件含参数的情况下解线性方程组Ax=b,通过预条件提高Jacobi型方法的收敛性,进而使两参并行Jacobi型方法(简称2PPJ方法)的收敛性得到加速。最后给出一个数值例子。
Hiroshi Niki etc study the preconditioner acceleration Gauss - Seidel iterafive method for the solution to the linear system Ax = b. In this paper, the problem of the convergence of two parameter parallel Jacobi method which is accelerated by improving of the convergence of Jacobi method in some conditions is discussed. Then the numerical example is given.
Journal of Shananxi University of Technology:Natural Science Edition