
近海视频测量与应用 被引量:3

An Introduction to Nearshore Video Imaging Observations
摘要 近海视频测量技术是一种基于视频传感器实时采集近海图像,再运用图像处理和信息分析,获取近海环境过程和特征参数的观测技术。文中回顾近海视频测量与应用的发展概况,介绍了测量系统的构成,讨论了测量波浪、海流和近岸过程等参数与算法的应用,建议在我国开展研究应用,促进我国海洋观测技术的发展和进步。 Based on video sensors, the video imaging system collects various types of nearshore images. Sophisticated image processing methods are then used to analyze the images, enabling measurements to be made of a wide range of wave, currents, coastal features and processes. Video imaging offers the potential to provide users a practical tool to better monitor the nearshore environments. The capabilities and applications of the new means of nearshore observations are illustrated.
出处 《海洋技术》 2006年第1期11-19,共9页 Ocean Technology
关键词 视频传感器 像素仪器 图像处理 video sensor~ pixel instrument~ image processing
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