
美国女性主义乌托邦小说中的人文关怀与生态关怀 被引量:22

Humanistic and Ecological Concern in American Feminist Utopian Fiction
摘要 美国女性主义乌托邦文学家的作品既饱含历史理性,又表现出人文关怀和生态关怀。她们所倡导的环保、平等、民主是建构和谐社会的保障,为当代社会提供了有益的借鉴。同时,在后现代文化语境下,针对当代文学人文精神的日益淡化,人文责任的逐渐丧失,重倡文学的乌托邦精神,有着特别深刻的意义。本文以夏洛特·帕金斯·吉尔曼的《女儿国》、玛吉·皮尔西的《在时间边缘上的女人》和娥秀拉·勒瑰恩的《黑暗的左手》为例,探讨美国女性主义乌托邦小说中的人文关怀和生态关怀。 This paper argues that a vision of a new social structure based on cooperation and harmony with the natural world is a disguising feature of American feminist utopian novels. These novels seek to eliminate gender discrimination and present a gender.free alternative world. Feminist utopian novels also substitute an ecologically balanced society for an ecologically corrupted male society. They emphasize ecological weU-being more than technological advancement or economic gain. This paper explores the humanistic and ecological concern through the lens of three feminist utopian novels:Char. lotte Perkins Gilman' s Herland , Ursula Le Guin' s Left Hand of Darkness and Marge Piercy' s Woman on the Edge of Time.
作者 刘英 王雪
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期38-41,共4页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
关键词 女性主义乌托邦 人文关怀 生态关怀 feminist utopia humanistic concem ecological concern
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  • 1Joanna Russ. The Female Man [M]. Beacon Press, 1975.
  • 2Ursula Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness[M]. Harper & Row, 1969.
  • 3Mareen Bar & Nicholas Smith, eds. Women and Utopia:Critical Interpretations[ M ].Lanham, Md.;University Press of America, 1983:1.
  • 4Frances Bartkowski. Feminist Utopias [ M ]. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989: 3.
  • 5Simone de Beauvoir. The Second Sex. http://www, marxist.org/ reference/subject.
  • 6Kate Millet. Sexual Politics [ M ]. London: Virago, 1977:23 - 57.
  • 7Shulamith Firestone. The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution [M]. New York: Bantam, 1971 : 11-12.
  • 8Marge Piercy. Woman on the Edge of Time [M]. New York: Fawcett Crest, 1976:115,96,270.
  • 9Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Herland [M]. Ed. Ann J. Lane New York: Pantheon Books, 1979: 75,20,15.
  • 10Ursula Le Guin. Is Gender Necessary? Redux, 1987. In Dancing at the Edge of the World : Thoughts on Words, Women, Places [ C ]. New York: Grove, 1989: 7,12,16.


  • 1伊哈布·哈桑 王岳川 尚水编.《后现代景观中的多元论》[A].王岳川,尚水编.《后现代主义文化与美学》[C].北京大学出版社,1992年版.第129页.
  • 2伊哈布·哈桑.《后现代景观中的多元论》,第148页.
  • 3Brian McHale, Postmodernist Fiction (Methuen New York and London, 1987),p. 26.
  • 4David Lodge, Working With Structuralism : Essays and Reviews on 19th and 20th Century Literature(Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981),p. 13.
  • 5Jerome Klinkowitz, Literary Disruptions: the Making of a Post-Contemporary American Fiction, 2nd ed. (University of Illinois Press, 1980), p. 37.
  • 6Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow (New York,Viking, 1973), p. 712.
  • 7亨利·亚当斯.《民主信条的堕落》.纽约:哈泼火炬书局,1969,第251页.
  • 8Elisabeth Sherwin, "Meet the High Prietess of Science Fiction", July 27 1997 gizmo@dcn. davis.ca. us.
  • 9Paula Geyh, etc. eds. Postmodern American Fiction: A .Norton Anthology (New York; 1998), pp. 519-520.
  • 10Le Guin, "Summer Reading", Mother Jones May/June 1995, v. 20, no. 3 (p. 34. ).












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