
由民间规则到国家制定法——析中国土地制度与地政管理的近代转型 被引量:1

Folk Customs Replaced by State Law: One of the Characters of Law Reform in China——Focus on Land Affairs Reform
摘要 在中国传统法律体系中,民事和经济法律关系主要由民间规则进行调整。近代以来,对于这些民间规则的改造成为法律转型的重要任务。就土地制度和地政管理而言,创立新的法律部门、制定切合实际的实施规则、改革民间陋习是国家制定法逐步取代旧有民间法的重要内容和手段,也是民事经济法律关系近代转型的重要特征。 The evolvement and change of law system of one society is complex.It heavily depends on the background of culture,value and tradition of the society.In traditional law system,law has many different lays.Law made by regime is the most important one,but not the exclusive one.There are many other sources from local authority,from kindred,and from guild.All sources that formed as a whole the traditional Chinese law system have under gone evolvement and change.Focus on law from local authority,from kindred,and from guild is less powerful than that from regime,and they can reflect the applicability of the law truly.Study on the latter can give us more accurate understanding of the development of law.
作者 夏扬
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期63-67,共5页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 法律变迁 国家法 民间规则 地政管理 土地制度 law change law set down by state folk custom land affairs reform
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