
空气透平试验台风源能力计算 被引量:2

The Calculation of Air Supply System for Air Turbine Test Facility
摘要 通过空气透平级试验台,可研究试验级的效率与速比变化关系曲线、根顶部反动度与速比的变化关系曲线和级反动度、出口角度、出口速度、能量损失系数、级相对内效率等沿叶高分布等,并通过详细流场测试,研究不同叶型及不同流型对二次流的影响,进而研究叶栅通道内的流动损失。阐述了建立空气透平试验台所需风源的能力和试验级功率等的计算方法,并以600MW及1000MW机组的中压末级、高压末级作为模型试验级,计算了单级空气透平试验强所需风机的流量和压头,以及水力测功器的转速及测功范围。 On air turbine test facility, we can study the change of efficiency and hub-tip reaction with U/C0, and study the change of stage reaction, exit angle, exit velocity, energy loss coefficient, stage relative efficiency along with height of blade. We can also study the blade shape, flow pattern and further study flow loss in cascade by detail measurement. This paper introduces how to calculate the ability of air supply system and the power of test stage. The pressure and flow of compressor, the rotational speed and the power of hydrodynamometer are calculated by using 600 MW and 1000 MW IP and HP last stages as test stages.
作者 孙奇
出处 《东方电气评论》 2006年第1期7-11,共5页 Dongfang Electric Review
关键词 空气透平级试验台 风源能力 试验级功率 计算方法 Air Turbine Test Facility Ability of Air Supply System Power of Test Stage Method of Calculation
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