目的探讨胸椎弓根与毗邻的神经的解剖关系。方法10例防腐成人尸体标本,从颈7至腰1,去除软组织、椎板、棘突、关节面和横突,测量双侧冠状面上椎间孔外神经根与正中线的角度,神经根上下方向直径及神经根与上下椎弓根缘的最小距离。结果神经根到其下的椎弓根上缘和到其上的椎弓根下缘的距离分别是1.8mm^3.8mm和1.6mm^3.5 mm;椎弓根内缘和硬脊膜紧密相接触;神经根上下方向的直径从2.8mm逐渐增加到4.2mm。结论本研究发现植入胸椎弓根时,内侧穿破椎弓根要比上下侧更危险。
Objective To investigate the anatomic relations of the thoracic pedicles to the spinal nerve roots. Methods Ten embalmed adult cadavers were obtained. All soft tissue were dissected , the spinous process from C7 - L1, laminae, acets, and the transvrse processes were removed. The superoinferior diameter of the nerve root and the frontal angle of the nerve root were measured . Also, Measurements were made from the pedicle to the nerve root superiorly and inferiorly. Results The average distance from the thoracic pedicle to the adjacent nerve roots superiorly or inferiorly ranged from 1.8 - 3.8mm and from 1.6 - 3.5mm . No epidural space could be found between the dural sac and the peditie . The superoinferior diameter of the nerve root incroased from 2.8 mm to 4.5 ram. Conclusion This study suggested that it ~ more dangerous in placing a screw penetrating medially than superoinferiorly.
Nerve root
Spinal cord