

Challenges and suggested amendments to the Negotiable Instruments Law of China (Ⅱ)
摘要 随着经济金融环境的不断变化和票据业务的发展。《票据法》逐渐显露出其不完善的一面。我国《票据法》的缺漏,不足以及与国际票据法的冲突急需加以修改、补充和完善.本期继续讨论了票据的参加制度、补救制度、利益退还请求投和票据截留四个问题.并对空白票据、汇率适用的问题也做了简单的建议。 Along wlth the constant changes in the economlc and financial envlronment as well as the development of blll business, the Negotiable Instruments Law of China has gradually become outdated, it is in urgent need of being amended, supplemented and perfected due to omissions, shortages and discrepancies with International bills' laws. In this session, apart from brief suggestions on the issues of blank bills and applicable interest rates, this paper continues to elaborate on the related proposals involving another four aspects, namely bills participation system, remediation system, claims on interest reinstitution and bills withholding.
作者 欧韵君
出处 《中国货币市场》 2006年第3期43-47,共5页 China Money
关键词 参加制度 补救制度 利益返还请求权 票据截留 participation system, remediation system, claims on interest reinstltution,bills withholding
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