
猪链球菌2型江苏分离株溶血素基因的检测及序列分析 被引量:2

Detection and Sequence Analysis of the Gene Encoding Suilysin from Streptcoccus suis type 2 Strains Isolated in Jiangsu Province
摘要 根据猪链球菌2型(strep tococcus su is type 2)溶血素基因(sly)设计和合成了一对可扩增其完整阅读框的引物,对HA 9801等6株猪链球菌2型江苏分离株、1株德国分离株SS2-D及猪链球菌C群参考株ATCC 35246的核酸进行PCR扩增,结果显示HA 9801等6株江苏分离株及德国株SS2呈阳性,ATCC 35246呈阴性。HA 9801株PCR产物纯化后测序,序列分析结果表明该DNA片段与猪链球菌2型1933株的sly基因同源性为99%。 A hemolysin gene from six streptcoccus suis type 2 strains isolated in Jiangsu was amplified by PCR using a pair of specific primers. The PCR product from strain HA9801 was sequenced and nucleotide sequence analysis revealed the hemolysin gene from strain HA9801 had a high homology to strains 1933(99%).
机构地区 南京农业大学
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 2006年第3期59-61,共3页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家973项目子课题(G1999011906)
关键词 猪链球菌2型 溶血素 核苷酸序列 streptcoccus suis type 2 suilysin nucleotide sequence
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