
中国粮食产量增长率波动的计量研究 被引量:2

Econometrical Research on Fluctuation of Increasing Rate of China's Grain Output
摘要 对中国粮食产量增长率的波动性进行了实证计量分析,利用最大似然方法估计了3种GARCH族模型(GARCH、T-GARCH和E-GARCH)。实证研究表明,GARCH模型提供了最好的统计拟合,它表明波动率是变化的,中国粮食总产量的增长率是非对称的,国家持续稳定增长的粮食供给很难实现。国家根据此结论,应该制定出有利于粮食供给的保护性政策,才能维护国家的粮食安全。 In this article, the author makes an empirical econometrical analysis of increasing rate of China's grain output. Then he estimates three GARCH models (GARCH,T-GARCH and E-GARCH)with the methods of Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation. The result show that, the GARCH model makes a best estimation in statistics, and the fluctuation rate is altering, it has asymmetrical relation with the growing rate of China's grain output. It's hard to maintain the sustainable development of grain yield. As a result, Government should make an appropriate policy to protect the supply of the grain order to maintain the security of foodstuff.
作者 马帅 郭淑敏
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2006年第3期110-114,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家"十五"科技攻关课题"区域农业协调持续发展重大战略问题研究"(2004BA508B20)中的子课题"中部地带粮食生产潜力和布局战略研究"的部分内容。
关键词 波动率 粮食总产量 ARCH模型 GARCH模型 非对称性 Fluctuation rate, Grain output of China, ARCH model, GARCH model, Asymmetry
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