
珠江三角洲体育产业现状与发展对策 被引量:12

Current situation and measures for development of sports industry in the Pearl River Delta region
摘要 经过改革开放后20多年的摸索和发展,珠江三角洲的体育产业已见雏形,竞赛表演、健身娱乐、体育彩票、体育用品销售等四大体育市场已基本形成。珠江三角洲体育产业中存在的主要问题包括理论研究滞后、总体规模不大、市场化程度不高、管理人才匮乏。新形势下珠江三角洲体育产业的发展,应重视体育产业发展战略的研究,建立健全相关的政策法规;健身娱乐与竞技体育市场优先发展,扩大体育产业的总体规模;积极承办体育赛事,激活体育竞赛市场;培训和培养相结合,加强管理人才队伍的建设。 Through more than 20 years of exploration and development after the reform and opening, sports industry in the Pearl River Delta region tins been preliminarily established, and the four major sports markets, namely, competitive performance, fitness and entertainment, sports lottery, and sports goods sale, have been basically formed. The main problems existing in sports industry in the Pearl River Delta region include lagged theoretical research, no large overall scale, no high degree of general adoption of the market principle, and lack of management professionals. For the development of sports industry in the Pearl River Delta region under the new situation, attention should be paid to the research on strategies for the development of sports industry; relevant policies and legislations should be established or completed; the markets of fitness and entertainment as well as competitive sports should be preferentially developed; the overall scale of sports industry should be expanded; sports contests should be held actively; the market of sports competition should be activated; training should be combined with cultivation; the construction of management professionals should be strengthened,
作者 臧连明
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期54-57,共4页 Journal of Physical Education
基金 2003年广东省体育局体育软科学课题(YT0315)
关键词 珠江三角洲 体育产业 经营现状 Pearl River Delta region sports industry current situation of management
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