The tombs of Qingliang temple can be cut into three stages, however, they all belong to the same archaeological culture-the phase Ⅱ of the Miaodigou Culture, and the graveya/d's date is not later than the late stage of the the phase Ⅱ of the Miacdigou Culture. In the second stage that mainly has large-scale tombs, the social status of the tombs' hosts differed considerably, together with the phenomena of the live one(s) being buried with the dead one(s). As for the identifications of the large-acale tombs' hosts, the author concludes that they maybe served the salt-selling organization that was in charge of selling salt abroad or in other parts of the state, because a famous salt lake named Xiechi is located at Yuncheng Basin, just a-mount-far from the graveyard. So the yard maybe was the funereal place for the officials.
Cultural Relics