Let D be an increasing sequence of positive integers, and consider the divisor functions:d(n, D) =∑d|n,d∈D,d≤√n1, d2(n,D)=∑[d,δ]|n,d,δ∈D,[d,δ]≤√n1,where [d,δ]=1.c.m.(d,δ). A probabilistic argument is introduced to evaluate the series ∑n=1^∞and(n,D) and ∑n=1^∞and2(n,D).
Let D be an increasing sequence of positive integers, and consider the divisor functions:d(n, D) =∑d|n,d∈D,d≤√n1, d2(n,D)=∑[d,δ]|n,d,δ∈D,[d,δ]≤√n1,where [d,δ]=1.c.m.(d,δ). A probabilistic argument is introduced to evaluate the series ∑n=1^∞and(n,D) and ∑n=1^∞and2(n,D).