

An analysis of the flowing of doctors in our hospitals
摘要 为了解医院人才流动状况,加强人才培养和管理,稳定医师队伍,对10年来医师队伍变化情况进行分析,发现毕业后流动出的医师在院工作年限逐渐缩短,本科生及主治、住院二级医师人数最多,出国者比例最高,流出者占1994年医师总数的51.4%。调入(含毕业分配者)的医师及其各学历层人数均明显超过流出者。显示医师流动是绝对的,稳定是相对的。由于医院采取了一系列培养、引进人才的措施,保证了医院人才队伍的优势及学科的正常发展。但是,流出人才很大一部分为出国逾期不归者及去非医疗机构或辞职者,而且有些科室出现人才梯队断档,应在管理措施上予以足够重视。 To find out the flowing of hospital specialists so as to step up the training and adminis- tration of medical personnel and stabilize the contingent of doctors,an analysis is here made on the flow- ing of hospital doctors in the last 10years.It is found that the working duration of the out-flowing doe- tors in the authors's hospital after graduation from medical schools is gradually shortening.The out- flowing ones are mostly those with bachelor's degrees,chief doctors and 2nd grade resident doctors.A high percentage of them go abroad Their percentage was 51.4% of the total number of doctors in 1944. The in-flowing ones including new graduates assignde by the government overtook the out-flowing ones in number.It is shown that the flow or the change of jobs is absolute while stabilization is relative.Ow- ing to a serids of measures taken by the hospital on the training and recruiting of medical specialists,the numerical strength of the medical personnel is guaranteed and the development of differert medical de- partments is normal.The out-flowing doctors are mostly those who were sent abroad for further Study but did not return in time and those who transferred themselves to non-mdeical jobs or simply resigned. The situation of jobs remaining unfilled does exist in some medical departmenis,which should be paid e- nough,attention to and improved through administrative measures.
出处 《中华医院管理杂志》 北大核心 1996年第6期364-366,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration
关键词 医师队伍 人工管理 Contingent of doctors Flow Analysis
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