
某医科院校485名大学生儿童期虐待经历的调查 被引量:30

A survey on childhood abuse experience among 485 college students
摘要 目的了解大学生在儿童时期遭受虐待的情况,阐明虐待发生的流行病学特点及其影响因素。方法用自填式问卷,于2005年4月对某医学院校485名在校大学生儿童期虐待经历进行不记名的回顾性调查。结果在被调查的485名大学生中,94.6%的人在儿童期有遭受虐待经历,儿童期躯体虐待发生率为88.0%,其中92.8%的男生和80.8%的女生遭受过躯体虐待;情感虐待发生率为74.4%,其中75.7%的男生和72.5%的女生遭受过情期感虐待;性虐待发生率为26.6%,其中21.2%的男生和35.2%的女生遭受过性虐待。结论儿童虐待在中国已是一个常见且严重的问题,需要得到足够的重视及采取相应的预防与控制。 Objective To find out the childhood abuse experience and its epidemiological characteristics and influencing factors. Methods A retrospective survey was conducted among 485 undergraduate students, using anonymous self-administered questionnaire in April 2005. Results 94.6% of 485 undergraduate students investigated had abuse experience. Prevalence of childhood abuse experience was 88.0% for physical abuse, 92.8% of males and 80.8% of females ever had physical abuse experiences 74.4% for emotional abuse, 75.7% of males and 72.5% of females ever had emotional abuse experience; 26.6% for sexual abuse, 21.2% of males and 35.2% of females ever had sex abuse experience. Conclusions The results indicated that the problem of childhood abuse was common and serious in China, it was urgent to emphasize on this and enforce childhood abuse prevention and control programs.
作者 赵丹 李丽萍
出处 《疾病控制杂志》 CAS 2006年第2期154-157,共4页 Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention
基金 广东省妇联的资助!
关键词 虐待儿童 回顾性研究 Child abuse Retrospective studies
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