

Comparison of Some Methods for Estimating Ambient Shear Stress Based on the Data of Guangdong Digital Telemetry Seismic Wave
摘要 根据陈培善推导的多个环境剪应力场公式,利用广东数字地震台网记录到的华南地区60个ML≥2.5地震参数分别对0τ进行计算。相对偏差及相关性分析表明,由震源峰值加速度ap计算的0τ5相对偏差最小,与其他方法的相关性最高。对于数字化地震资料,ap的求解较为简便,由此计算环境剪应力场的方法更适合在日常分析预测工作中推广应用。 Using some formulea about relations between source parameters and ambient shear stress 70 deduced by Chen Pei-shan, the 7o for 60 earthquakes(ML≥2.5) occurred in South China are calculated, based on the data of Guangdong Digital Telemetry seismic wave with the source parameters : seismic radiated engergy E, comer periodfo, source peak acceleration ap, source peak velocity vp, source peak displacement dr and seismic moment Mo. The analysis results of the relative errors and correlations for estimated To values from different methods shows that the smallest relative error δT0/T0 is (5 - 15 ) % , when using the source peak acceleration ap, and the correlative coefficient is maximum. For the digital data, T0 could be calculated by ap directly, without seismic moment Mo for which calculation is complicated. So the method of calculating the ambient shear stress with source peak acceleration ap is simple and reliable.
机构地区 广东省地震局
出处 《西北地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期69-73,共5页 Northwestern Seismological Journal
基金 国家"十五"攻关科技项目(2001BA601B-04-03)
关键词 应力场 环境剪应力场 震源参数 数字地震记录 广东 Stress field Ambient shear stress Source parameter Digital seismic record Guangdong
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