As the first stcp in iterativc approach to mass transfer ability problem in multiphasc fluid flow with unstcady initial valuc and dcformablc boundary, the corrcsponding statcs cquation was cstablishcd in tcrms of scparablc variablcs to scek for the corrclation function П=F(Q_(so), Q_o, Si, J) here, Q_(so) being the disehargc ratc of suspcndcd solids, Q_o the discharg rate of mixed liquid, S_i the concentration of suspendcd solids in mixed liquid, J the hydraulic slope in the reach between inlet and outlet of flow. The coincidence of extremum domain of 11 and that of InП in multi-dimension space was verified, then Q_(so)∝Q_o^(1.46) S_i^(0.712) J^(1.26) for flat bed reservoir, Q_(so)∝_o^(1.22) S_i^(0.83) J^(1.54) for deep channel reservoir, have been obtained respectively. Data of field field observations and laboratory experiments have been cited for comparison. The transfer function of large scale water flow with respect to suspended solids was deduced finally.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture