倾向性的报道在目前我国的体育新闻中是一个普遍存在的现象。与其他新闻类别相比,体育新闻事件发生的特殊性、体育新闻报道方式的特殊性以及体育本身所具有的原始娱乐性是倾向性报道在体育媒体中得以大量存在和被采用的重要原因。在我国的主流体育媒体中, 倾向性报道以丰富的表现形式和多样的类型呈现在受众面前。
Report with tendentiousness Is a common phenomenon in current sport news, Compared with other kinds ot news, the particularity of sport news and the original nature of entertainment of the sport itself are the important reasons why reports with tendentiousness widely exist in sport media. In our mainstream media, reports with tendentiousness take on various forms and types.
Sport Science Research