

Design and Implementation of Mobile IPv6 Protocol Based on Virtual Interface
摘要 随着基于无线接入的IP业务应用需求不断增长,在下一代互联网中实现对移动性的支持变得越来越重要.本文介绍了在面向边缘网络接入应用的IPv6路由器原型系统中移动IPv6协议的具体实现.为了实现这一协议,文章分析了移动IPv6协议的特点,并借鉴虚拟网络(Virtual Networks)的思想提出了基于虚接口的设计和实现方法,其主要优点是降低了协议开发的复杂度.该方法也可以用于实现其它的Internet高层协议. As IP business that based on wireless devices increases constantly, mobility support in the next generation Internet becomes more and more important. In this paper, an implementation of Mobile IPv6 protocol in the prototype system of edge network oriented IPv6 router was presented. In order to implement the protocol, the author proposed a method based on virtual interface by using the technique spirit of "virtual network", which in fact reduced the complexity of development of the protocol. This method can also be used to implement other higher layer protocols of Internet.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期582-585,共4页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60373010)资助 国家"九七三"项目(2003CB314801)资助
关键词 IPV6路由器 移动IPV6协议 虚接口 IPv6 router mobile IPv6 protocol virtual interface
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