90年代初Ⅲ-Ⅴ族氮化物材料的实用化似乎还很遥远,但是自从蓝光GaN/GaInN LED 研制成功之后这个领域发生了巨变。目前,GaN 成为化合物半导体领域中最热门的课题。在下个十年中,基于 GaN 材料的激光器、HV 探测器和大功率高温半导体器件将成为实用产品。
In the early 1990's there was only modest interest in Ⅲ-Ⅴ nitride materials,but since then the field has been revolutionized by success in fabri- cating blue LEDs from GaN/InGaN.At present,nitrides probably qualify as the hottest topic in compound semiconductor research,especially among epigrowers.Other devices such as lasers,HV photodetectors and highpower/ high temperature transistors seem to become practical products over the next decade.
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