在国内有机会一直从事玩具市场和销售工作并能接触到不同类型玩具企业的人不多,而且能从事此方面研究探讨并愿意把经验和见解与别人分享的更少。本文作者在1997 ̄2002年这5年间,正好亲身融入和见证了奥迪成为中国玩具第一品牌的高速发展期。而最近几年又不断为玩具企业和相关动漫企业提供市场咨询服务。因此作者能较客观地分析中国的玩具市场和玩具企业的情况。本文总结的中国本土玩具市场运作的8个要诀。
Foreign toy companies keep entering China. In current market environment, how do they go along the resource integration and will they still see a possibility for rapid growth? Why it is tough for excellent oversea brands to make a profit in Chinese market? All these problems are covered in the following article. The core is-how to consider the opportunity in domestic toy market, and how to gain high market return by efficient operating methods.
Toy Industry