
言辞与行动——英国妇女选举权运动史的研究成就与走向 被引量:1

Words or Deeds:the Achievement and Trends of the studyies on British Women's Suffrage Movement
摘要 正如在英国妇女选举权运动中,对言辞与行动到底哪一个更有效的看法不同一样;英国史学界对妇女选举权运动的研究,也在战斗的妇女参政者和宪政的妇女参政者各自成就的评价上有所偏重。在新世纪,英国《妇女史评论》推出了《言辞如行动》的专集,从新的角度来探讨言辞的作用,从而在某种意义上消弭了言辞与行动相对立的历史观念。 Just as people's views vary on the role of words and deeds in a movement,the studies on British women's suffrage movement also show different attitudes towards the achievements made by different women participants in government and political affairs,mainly militant suffragettes and constitutional suffragists.Women's History Review,one of the authoritative jorunals in UK,put out a special issue entitled“Words as Deeds'at the beginning of the new century.This issue discusses the role of words in a movement from a new perspective and in a sense puts an end to the long-held antithesis between words and deeds.The study on women's suffrage movement is closely related to the process of women's liberation movement.within which both gender concept and feminism perspective are used to aid the study on the subject,thus displays a diversity of the study in terms of its theory,theme,perspective and range.
作者 陆伟芳
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期106-112,共7页 Historiography Bimonthly
  • 相关文献


  • 1Helen Blackburn, Women's Suffrage: A Record of the Women's Suffrage Movement in the British Isles, London:Williams & Norgate, 1902
  • 2Frances Power Cobbe, The Life of Frances Power Cobbe as ToM by Herself, London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Ltd. , 1904.
  • 3Gertrude Colmore, The Life of Emily Davison : An Outline, London: The Woman's Press, 1913.
  • 4Millicent Garrett Fawcett, Women's Suffrage:A Short History of a Great Movement, London:T. C. & E.C. Jack,c. 1911.
  • 5Andrew Rosen, Rise Up, Women ! The Militant Campaign of the Women's Social and Political Union 1903-1914,London & Boston:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974.
  • 6Sandra Stanley Holton , Feminism and Democracy: Women's Suffrage and Reform Politics in Britain 1900-1918,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
  • 7Martin Pugh, The March of the Women : A Revisionist Analysis of the Campaign for Women's Suffrage, 1866-1914,Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2000,p. 1.
  • 8Philippa Levine, Victorian Feminism, 1850--1900, London: Hutchinson, 1987.
  • 9Jane Rendall, Equal or Different : Women's Politics, 1800-1914 ,Oxford & New york:Blackwell, 1987.
  • 10Lisa Ticker, The Spectacle of Women : Imagery of the Suffrage Campaign, 1907-1914, London. Chatto & Windus,1987.


  • 1Gill,Rosalind; Grint,Keith,1995,The Gender-Technology Relation:Contemporary Theory and Research,in their(eds.) The Gender-Technology Relation,London: Taylor& Francis Ltd.
  • 2Adam,Alison; Green,Elieen,1998,Gender,agency,location and the new information society,in Loader,Brian D.(ed.),Equality,Agency and Policy in the Information Society,London: Routledge.
  • 3Faulkner,Wendy,2001,The Technology Question in Feminism:A View from Feminist Technology Studies,in Women' s Studies International Forum,24-1,pp.79 ~95.











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