移动性管理(MM)是层3的一个子层, 它主要完成与用户的移动性相关的一些功能。根据业务的分域划分,MM子层被分为支持CS模式的MM实体和支持PS模式的 GMM实体。通过对GMM一般过程和特殊过程的描述,介绍了TD-SCDMA系统终端 GMM实体的功能及其实现过程。
The Mobility management is one of the sub-layers of layer 3, which mainly fulfills the functions concerning the mobility of the subscriber, Based on the principle of service domain allocation, the MM sub-layer is diveded into the MM entity supporting CS mode and the GMM entity supporting PS mode. By descrbing the general and special procession of GMM, this paper introduces the function and the implementation of GMM entity of TD-SCDMA terminal.
World Telecommunications