目的探讨孕妇血清中白细胞介素6(interleukin-6 IL-6)和前列腺素F2α(RGF2α)在早产和足月产中的作用。方法用酶联免疫吸附试验和放射免疫测定对30例早产和60例正常足月产孕妇血清中IL-6和PGF2α水平进行检测,并对早产分娩和部分阴道分娩的胎膜进行组织病理学检查。结果早产伴绒毛膜羊膜炎孕妇血清中IL-6和PGF2α水平(155.17±62.00)ng/L和(1123.00±137.00)ng/L均高于早产无绒毛膜羊膜炎(79.11±17.96)ng/L和(97.00±9.00)ng/L及正常组(70.15±14.62)ng/L和(48.00±4.00)ng/L(P〈0.01)。足月孕妇血清中IL-6和PGF2α水平在临产时(127.00±31.00)ng/L和(1027.00±211.00)ng/L明显高于临产前(83.00±19.00)ng/L和(129.00±27.00)ng/L,差异有显著性(P〈0.01)。结论早产孕妇血清中IL-6水平升高提示早产伴随亚临床感染。IL-6参与早产或足月产临产发动可能与增加PGF2α水平有关。
Objective We sough to investigate interleukin-6 (IL-6) and prostaglandin F2α levels in preterm and term labor. Methods Serum IL-6 and prostaglandin F2α concentrations in 90 women (30 preterm labor and 60 normal pregnancy) were measured using a specific enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and radioimmunoassay respectively. Placentas were examined for histological chorioamnionitis from women who delivered preterm. Results Among women who delivered preterm, those with cborioamnionitis had higher concentrations of maternal serum IL-6 (155. 17 ± 62.00) ng/L and prostaglandin F2α (1 123. 00 ± 137. 00) ng/L than those without cborioamnionitis (79. 11 ± 7.96) ng/L, (97. 00±9. 00) ng/L, and than those of normal control group (70. 15±14.62) ng/L, (48. 00±4.00) ng/L (P〈0. 01). Women in labor at term had significantly elevated concentrations of maternal serum IL-6 and prostaglandin F2α (129.00 ± 27.00) ng/L, (1 027.00 ±211.00) ng/L compared with those at term but not in labor (P〈 0. 01, respectively). Conclusion Elevated maternal serum levels of IL-6 were found in patients whose preterm labor was associated with asymptomatic intrauterine infections. IL-6 may play a role in the onset of labor by increasing the production of prostaglandin F2α.
Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health