内蒙古牧区地处祖国北部边疆,东西跨2 600公里,包括24个旗,面积70万平方公里,人口200万,蒙古族居多,居住分散,以牧为主。牧区这种基本特点,给牧区社会经济管理带来诸多不便,发展内蒙古牧区社会经济,不仅需要国家的大力支持,更需要牧区政府提高管理决策水平和管理方法。本文以正镶白旗明安图镇英图嘎查社会经济信息化管理系统为例,阐述了牧区社会经济信息化管理系统的主要特点、功能和开发前景及其意义。
Inner Mongolia pastureland is in the northern frontier. It is 2,600 kms from east to west, including 24 banners, with the area of 700,000 km^2 and the population of 2 million, Mongolian nationality being the most, who is living far and wide with animal as their occupation. The basic characteristics of pastureland have brought a great deal of inconvenience to the social and economic administration in pastureland. Developing the social economy of Inner Mongolia pastureland not only needs the country' s support but also needs the improvement of policy - making level and administrative methods in pastureland governments. The author takes the administration system of social economy and information of Yingtu Gacha of Mingantu Town in Zheng Xiang Bai Banner, expounds the main characteristics, function and development expectations and its significance of the administration system of social economy and information.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
Inner Mongolia pastureland
information administration system
government policy-making