
师范学院特困生幸福感认识成分与生活事件的相关性 被引量:1

Relationship between cognitive ingredient of well-being sense and life events in the extraordinarily poor students of teacher's college
摘要 目的:了解安阳师范学院特困生幸福感认识成分的现状,分析其与负性生活事件之间的关系,提高特困生的生活质量。方法:于2005-04-21/26随机抽取安阳师范学院评定出来的特困生(由生活困难的学生个人提出申请,按照7%的比例,经过班级的民主评议,以系为单位初步评定,学院领导审批)160名,男生70名,女生90名;年龄18~24岁,平均21.6岁。采用欧洲晴雨表式调查、梯形量表(采用11级制评分标准,梯子底部记0分,以1分的级差依次向上推进,梯子的顶部记10分)、青少年生活事件量表(得分越高,说明生活压力越大)对150名师范学院特困生进行无记名测试,采用SPSS11.0软件进行统计和分析。结果:共发放问卷160分,收回有效问卷150份,男生62份,女生88份。①有71.5%的特困生对目前生活比较不满意或不满意。②在对生活质量评价中,有大多数特困生认为他们5年前和目前的生活处于中下等,91.3%的特困生认为自己在5年后能过着中上等的生活。③特困生对生活质量评分:5年前为4.19±1.98、目前为4.03±1.82、5年后为8.34±1.41.5年前与目前的生活质量差异没有显著性(P>0.05),5年前、目前生活质量与对5年后的生活期望差异有非常显著性(P<0.001)。男、女特困生对目前、5年前、5年后生活质量的评价与预期上,差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。④特困生对目前生活质量评定的均分与家庭经济困难事件、被人歧视事件呈显著性负相关(r=-0.276,-0.288,P<0.01)。结论:特困生幸福感认识成分中的生活质量与对生活的满意度都比较低,这与特困生的家庭经济困难、(自我感觉)被人歧视有关;他们对5年后生活质量有很高的期望。 AIM: To know of the present status of the cognitive ingredient of well- being sense in the extraordinarily poor students of Anyang Teachers College, and analyze its correlation with negative live events, so as to improve the quality of llfe in the extraordinarily poor students. METHODS: From April 21^th to 26^th in 2005, 160 extraordinarily poor students (70 males and 90 females) were randomly selected from Anyang Teacher's College, the students with difficulty in living applied by themselves, democratically appraised by the classes according to the percent of 7%, and then decided by the deportment, at last approved by the leader of the department, they all aged 18 to 24 years with an average of 21.6 years. The 150 extraordinarily poor students from teachers college were tested with the European barometer survey, trapezoidal measuring scale (11-grade scoring standard, trapezoidal bottom was marked as 0, and gradually increased by 1 points upwards, and the trapezoidal top marked as 10) and adolescent self-rating life events checklist (ASLEC, the higher the score, the greater the pressure from life) without recording names, and the results were statistically analyzed by SPSS 11.0 software system. RESULTS: Totally 160 papers were handed out, 150 effective ones were handed in, including 62 front males and 88 from females. (1) 71.5% of the extraordinarily poor students were not very satisfied or completely satisfied with their current lives. (2) In the assessment of the quality of life, most of the extraordinarily poor students thought that their lives at five years ago or current were inferior, at the same time about 91.33% of the them thought that they could live a comfortable lives in five years. (3) The average scores of the extraordinarily poor students to their quality of life was 4.19±1.98 for five years ago, 4.03±1.82 for current, and 8.34±1.41 for five years later. There was no significant difference between the current life and that of five years ago (P 〉 0.05), which were both significantly different from the life in five years later (P 〈 0.001). There was no significant difference between the male and female students in their lives now, at five years ago and five years later (P 〉 0.05). (4) The, score of current quality of life assessment in the extraordinarily poor students had significant correlation with the events of family economic difficulty and being looked down upon by others (r=-0.276, -0.288, P 〈 0.01). CONCLUSION: For the economic difficulty of their families or the bias from others, the quality of life about the cognition ingredient of the extraordinarily poor students and the level of satisfaction to life are low, while they all have a high expectation for the life in five years.
作者 荆怀福
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第14期41-43,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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