Aldo Leopold' s most important contribution is to give a new concept namely" Land Community"and extend ethic to the relation between human and nature and advance land ethic ideas. In Leopold' s view, "the land"encompasses much more than mere inert earth but includes soils,waters,plants,and animals and is not a commodity that we own but a community to which we belong. Furt hermore, Leopold gave us, famously, a new commandment: a thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community, it is wrong when it tends otherwise, which is the ethic standard of human action on nature and land commu- nity. Aldo Leopold' s land ethic contains much ecological wisdom and insight and his land ethic ideas as a whole has made an invaluable contribution to environmental ethics and the dissemination of ecological ideas into popular consciousness. Perhaps most important, Leopold's ideas makes us aware that an ethical stance toward natural creatures and environment is necessary in order to change the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land - community to plain member and citizen of it. Actually, Aldo Leopold' s land ethic has a much more abroad significance and value:it surmounts the traditional utilitarianism conservation ideas, deepens the humanity's understanding of the nature and the land,and promotes birth and development of the ecology and the environment ethics. Land ethic does also enable ourselves to forge a new relationship between the human and land communities which is healthy and whole. What is more, the combination of ethics and ecology has moved us from conservationism to environmentalism and now places us into the postmodem era where many traditional boundaries and thought - structures are being dissolved.
Geography and Geo-Information Science