经病原菌鉴定,确定刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)疫霉病原是 Phytophthoracinnamomi。该病菌对孔雀石绿比较敏感,能利用淀粉作为碳源,在35℃下仍能生长,对50ppm 恶霉灵不敏感。在当年播种刺槐的各个生长时期和植株的各个部位均可发生刺槐疫霉病。病害每年有2个发病时期,高温结合降雨和高湿容易引起病害大发生,老苗圃用病残积肥的病害明显加重,凡排水良好,起垅栽培的发病轻。乙磷铝、瑞毒霉和代森锰锌均防治效果良好。
Phytophtkora cinnamomi as the pathogen causing phytophthora blight of black locust (Robiina pseudoacacia) in Beijing has been identified with studies on their biologic characteristics.The testing isolates are sensitive to malachite green.All isolates have the capability of starch utilization.The growth of myce- lium is only slightly inhibited by 50 ppm hymexazol.The plant could be infected in the nursery in different period of growing season and on different positions of the plant.High temperature combining with high humidity are favorable to the disease development.In old nursery using infested compost the disease in- cidence becomes more serious.However,good condition of drainage and culture on high ridges can reduce the disease incidence.Spraying Aliette,Metalaxyl, and Mancozed results in good disease control in the nursery.