

Tooth extrusion—extruion method progress and clinical effect observation
摘要 目的:观察用改进的固定矫治器进行牙根殆向牵引治疗前牙冠根折的临床疗效。方法:16个冠根折前牙,完善根管治疗后于根管内粘固牵引钩,邻牙粘贴方丝托槽,殆向牵引牙根,达到修复条件后固定2~3个月,然后进行桩冠修复。结果:16个患牙牙根殆向移动距离2~5mm,所需时间2~6个月。进行桩冠修复后位置稳定,功能及美观良好。结论:使用改进的固定矫正器进行牙根腊向牵引治疗前牙冠根折的方法有效可行。 Objeetive:To observe the clinical effect of tooth extrusion with progressive methods for anterior teeth with crown-mot fracture. Method: 16 anterior teeth with crown-rooth fracture were selected. After complete root canal therapy has finished, extrusion hook was agglutinated in the canal. Then edge-wise brackets were placed on the adjacent teeth, and extrusion was implement . When prothodontic condition has been achieved , there are a retention for 2- 3 months. Then restoration was done . Result: 2- 5 mm extrusion was seen in 16 teeth, with 2- 6 months taken in average. After retoraton , the location was stable and asthetic result was achieved. Conclusion: Tooth extrusion method with new method is an effective method for anterior teeth with crown-root fracture.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2006年第4期228-229,共2页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
关键词 冠根折 [牙合]向牵引 桩冠修复 牵引曲 crown-root fracture tooth extrusion post crown restoration extrusion curve
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